Chiropractic Services
Chiropractic Adjustment
Muscle stimulation
Therapeutic ultrasound
Static neck and back traction
Graston therapy
Massage therapy
Stretching/strengthening programs
Ice or heat therapy
Kinesio taping
Bracing or splinting
Gait analysis
Chiropractic Adjustments (also referred to as joint manipulation) is the application of a light pressure to a joint to restore proper position or motion of the joint. Abnormal joint function or position (also known as subluxation) will usually cause pain, stiffness or loss of range of motion. Chiropractors use their hands to apply this quick pressure to the joints. Often a “popping” sound is heard during an adjustment. The proper term for this is cavitation and is simply pressure release from within the joint. Most adjustments are pain free and often provide an immediate reduction of symptoms. Chiropractic adjustments are also very effective in restoring proper function in the shoulders, wrist, hand, elbow, knee, and foot.
Muscle stimulation is a therapy that uses a small electrical current causing muscles to lightly contract. These contractions are simply mild movements of the muscles which help reduce muscle tension/spasm and reduce inflammation. With this treatment the patient is usually laying down and two small pads are placed on the muscles to be treated. When the machine is turned on there is a gentle vibration sensation which is followed by gentle muscle contraction as the intensity of the treatment increases. Patients describe it as a massaging sensation that results in a relaxed feeling following the therapy.
Therapeutic ultrasound is a therapy used to help reduces muscle tension/spam and reduce scar tissue that has developed in injured tissue. Ultrasound uses a high frequency sound wave that goes into the muscle or tissue and creates a deep heat that helps relax muscles and promote the body’s natural healing response. It also helps break up scar tissue from old injuries and promote healthier tissue. The ultrasound is a hand held device that the doctor massages the tissue with. Usually the patient feels a relaxing massaging of the tissue with a mild heat sensation.
Flexion/distraction is a treatment that helps alleviate symptoms associated with disc injuries, as well as promote joint mobility and the stretching of the deep muscles in the back. During the treatment the patient lays on the therapy table as it applies a light distraction or pulling on the low back. At the same time the lower half of the therapy table will gently move up and down causing a mild pumping of the disc. Both positions used together help the disc draw away from the spinal cord and reduce nerve pressure. This reduces the symptoms associated with disc injuries and is one of the best ways to avoid back surgery. The treatment is relaxing and rarely associated with pain.
Static neck and back traction is a treatment that helps alleviate symptoms associated with disc injuries, jammed joints or degenerative disc disease. During the treatment the patient lay on the neck or back traction table. As traction is applied a mild stretching sensation of the neck or back is experienced. Once the desired pressure is reached the patient simply relaxes as the table apples the gentle stretch. As the traction is applied the pressure within the disc changes causing it to pull away from the spine and nerves, the joints open and the holes where the nerves leave the spine open resulting in a reduction of symptoms. The treatment is relaxing and rarely associated with pain.
Graston therapy is a treatment that helps reduce fibrotic or scar tissue following an injury such as a muscle strain or ankle sprain. A small plastic instrument is used to gently stroke over the tissue in different directions. This helps smooth out the tissue and helps it heal closer to what the tissue was like before it was damaged. It usually only takes 3-4 treatments for the tissue to be functional and pain free.
Massage therapy is a treatment used to reduce muscle tension, improve circulation to the tissue and improve muscle function. Massage is simply a manipulation or kneading of the muscles and other soft tissues. The treatment may be a short session focusing on one specific area, or may be a longer session that addresses multiple areas.
Stretching/strengthening programs are educational sessions that explain the proper stretches or exercise for an individual’s condition. The doctor demonstrates the stretches/exercises recommended with the patient to be sure the patient is doing the stretch/exercise in the proper form. Stretches and exercises help get muscles to relax, improve muscle function and strengthen the muscles to reduce the risk of future injury.
Orthotics are inserts that are placed in shoes to improve overall foot support and joint stabilization. The orthotics may be formed from a plaster mold, foam mold or injection mold orthotics. Shoes are made with a universal type of foot bed that are supposed to work for everyone. Since peoples feet are different orthotics are made specifically for an individual’s foot, providing the support for their specific foot type.
Our office uses an injection mold orthotic custom made in the office to assure the proper fit for the patient.
We also do a complete foot exam to be sure the foot is functioning properly before creating the orthotic. Orthotics help with everyday foot pain and discomfort, but are crucial in runners to help prevent plantar fasciitis and shin splints.
Ice or heat therapy These treatments are effective in reducing pain, inflammation, reducing muscle spasm, improving circulation and promoting healing. The treatment can be effective for chronic or acute injuries and often used in combination with other forms of therapy treatment.
Kinesio taping is the application of an elastic tape to an injured area to assist in healing. The tape is applied in a manner that mimics the function and position of a muscle allowing it to heal without restricting motion. This treatment often allows an individual to continue to function or train. The taping is often used with other therapies and effective in treating neck and back injuries as well as sports injuries.
Bracing or splinting are used in situations where movement of an injured area needs to be restricted or eliminated. In some cases the injury is significant enough that movement may inhibit healing. Braces/splints may allow an injured individual to continue to function. The splints or braces usually are devices that wrap around the injured area resulting in stabilization or immobilization. Injuries that require bracing will also benefit from other therapies and rehabilitation.
Gait analysis is done to evaluate how a person walks or runs, looking for abnormality. When someone’s gait is altered it may result in injuries to the lower extremity or low back. The evaluation looks at the position of the foot, leg, and hip for proper motion and position. Improper gait may result from muscle weakness, pain, hip/pelvic rotation, abnormal foot arch.