Auto Accident Injury
What should you do when you have experienced an auto accident injury?
Call Boise’s auto accident injury specialist at Personal Care Chiropractic Clinic.
Dr. Rob Thiry has advanced training in auto accident injuries and the best way to treat them. Dr. Thiry uses chiropractic adjustment, soft tissue treatments, stretching, and rehabilitation exercises to give you the best care possible.
Some possible auto accident injury symptoms you may experience include:
Neck stiffness
Neck pain
Back stiffness
Back pain
Shoulder pain
Wrist pain
Knee pain
Ankle/foot pain
Difficulty sleeping
Difficulty concentrating
Brain fog
Whether you are experiencing mild neck and back stiffness or are in a lot of pain, it is important to get checked out.
Often, there is a delay in the onset of symptoms. This means the symptoms may appear days - or even weeks - after the accident. Auto accident injuries can occur even in slow speed collisions, and if left untreated, can result in long term problems.
Call our office or schedule online and get a FREE auto accident injury consultation.​